...so the saying goes. That feeling of coming through your front door into that most private and personal of places; a place in which you can fully be yourself, and, according to the architect Charles Moore, the place in the world which belongs to us and to which we belong.
But while there’s no place like home, there seems increasingly for so many people no place for home. In the United Kingdom we have a record number of people living in temporary acoomodation which is costing the government millions of pounds, the waiting lists for social housing remain exceptional long, delivery of new homes failing to meet targets and suspicions over the quality of those which are built, house prices which have increased far more than wages, mortgage terms getting ever longer, more adult children living with their parents.
All of this does make you wonder: are we alone in this? How do people live elsewhere and what are their homes like? Are other countries facing the same challenges and if so, how are they dealing with them.
Housing is as much of a product of socio-cultural factors as it is of political and economic ones, and by looking at different housing cultures we can better interrogate our own.
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